So, I realized I had been remiss in my picture taking! Well, actually in my picture posting!
The other day I was walking to work and realized I am constantly randomly spotting random things on the side of the road. Like these:

And a sweatshirt.
But the other day, my friends and went out downtown and on the way back, they needed to pay to ride the MUNI. Well, the machines don't take anything but all change for the $1.50 fare, so you have to go to the nearby BART machines to get change. Well, little did we know we would be getting all of the 3 bucks in NICKELS. Here is one fare rider's payment:

Note: apparently, those machines aren't so sensitive and if you dump in nickels, you really only have to pay, like, $1.25-$1.40 to get in! :D Quite a savings, yes? :)
And when we got back, we were reminded of the infamous SF weather. Near the bay, at the ferry building, the weather had been clear and beautiful. This is the weather not 10 min later in the Inner Sunset:

And last, but not least, (drum roll please) me actually getting some shut eye on call!!!! Woohoo! I am not sure I actually liked getting sleep as I feel I was more sleepy the next day and a bit more groggy. But, we'll see!