Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Funny things I saw this week

Seriously? Cup o' noodles are now "healthy"?? Apparently Kaiser thinks so.

This was in UCSF. If you didn't guess already, this used to say "public" as in public restrooms. Ahh, kids (or adult, who knows?)...

Mini Rant about Healthcare

Not about the providers, I mean, I AM one. No, I am talking about the business end of it. And I guess I was spoiled because, man, UPMC ROCKED in terms of their health coverage, benefits, and the ease by which it was all done. I unfortunately can't say the same for my health plan here in SF.

Problems getting a PCP, then who could actually be my PCP, now, getting my prescriptions filled. AGH!!! Why me?

I miss UPMC.

Monday, July 21, 2008

Pet Peeves 1 and 2

#1 - people who stand in the MIDDLE of the street to see if they see any Muni coming. Umm, hello, it's downhill with NO obstructions. I know you can see it coming just as well from the sidewalk.

#2 - kids who have obviously learned no manners - like the teenage girls today who ripped open their McDonald's Pokemon toy and threw the plastic trash on the ground. Hello? the trash can was not 4 feet away.

Sunday, July 20, 2008

The strike

At UCSF this past week, the has been a strike from the service workers. Every day, they congregate outside the hospital, bang their drums, chant, walk in circles protesting their low pay. (Note: We residents calculated our salary per hour and frankly, we make close to the same amount. Scary, hunh?) It's affected the cafeteria (no grill??? no fair!) and shuttle services (purple shuttle? what? I was confused enough about the shuttle routes and now there are new temporary ones. grrr.). Hopefully, they settle soon...

And because of the heightened police presence to these potential trouble-makers (I don't get it) and their general increased level of boredom, one of my fellow interns had a little run-in with one of these cops. It's actually a funny story (nothing bad happened!), but you have to know my friend to really get the hilarity of it. :)

The Big M

There's this billboard in the Inner Sunset which is rented by McDonald's. In the 2 months that I have lived here, this billboard has been defaced at least 5 times (I don't always walk past this billboard) and each time, McDonald's has to re-post their billboard. It's actually kinda funny. (Note: I don't condone vandalism!)

In any case - here's the newest graffiti:

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Ahh, gotta love those vegans and vegetarians!

in case you can't read it, it says, "The Joy of Soy"

It makes me sad that I am allergic. What kind of asian am I???

Fooling the kiddos

...and me too I guess.

I really was very very bad about taking vitamins. I mean, a big pill? No fun. So I never remembered to take them! Then, my sister introduced me to the wonderful world of gummi-vites. SOOOOOO delicious. (You have to get the Cosco ones. They taste the best. The Trader Joe ones are good too. Don't bother with the ones from Whole Paycheck (Foods) - patooey!) And, the best part is, because I am older than 4 years old, I can have DOUBLE the daily dose, which means I get 4 gummies instead of 2! Woohoo!!!

France is celebrating with me!!!

I saw this today and it made me smile. I have to admit, I am a bit of a francophile...

And, more, France is celebrating my bday with me!!!

Saturday, July 12, 2008

I HEART my new rice cooker!!!!!!!!!

This is true love:

It makes rice perfectly and without burning the bottom! Hallelujah!

Cooking Frenzy

I woke up early this morning despite the fact that I could technically sleep in. Oh well. It probably was a good thing as I was out of coffee beans (!!) and I needed to go and get some. Since I had to go out in any case, I decided I might as well stock up on groceries since I hadn't gone food shopping in a couple of weeks. AND, I am still missing some staples.

Luckily, Andronico's is open at 7 am, and I finished all my shopping in 30 minutes. $120 poorer, I headed home and made myself some breakfast and coffee. I had also decided to make this a cooking day at home and on the menu for cooking was salsa, sweet pepper tomato sauce to freeze, for dinner, thai green curry, and a crustless quiche for tomorrow morning. Phew.

As I started to roast the onions and tomatoes for the salsa, I realized that I hadn't quite gotten all the ingredients! I forgot a key item: vinegar. So off I went to the grocery store again. On the way there I saw the most beautiful hydrangeas:

Back at home, I started to cook up a storm. It was so great! Here is the making of the tomato sauce.

21st century TV

I LOVE TV shows that actually post episodes of their TV shows on the internet. Let's be honest, it's the 21st century. And I don't have cable or a DVR or a Tivo. So, I rely on the good ol' fashioned internet to get my TV shows (my hours suck). I hate companies that try to make you pay to watch the show you missed that week.

So this summer, I'll be watching The Closer, Burn Notice, Monk, Psych, and Eureka.


Missing Mochi

No, it's not what you think...

I got home yesterday and what did I find in the mail? A postcard, advertising a missing dog. Someone really loves their pup, a little thing named Mochi. Unfortunately, this missing dog is in Pittsburgh. A little ways off from San Francisco. I don't mind keeping an eye open, but somehow I doubt she's here...

If you're in Pittsburgh though, keep an eye out, will 'ya?

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Life in SF and on call

So, I realized I had been remiss in my picture taking! Well, actually in my picture posting!

The other day I was walking to work and realized I am constantly randomly spotting random things on the side of the road. Like these:

And a sweatshirt.

But the other day, my friends and went out downtown and on the way back, they needed to pay to ride the MUNI. Well, the machines don't take anything but all change for the $1.50 fare, so you have to go to the nearby BART machines to get change. Well, little did we know we would be getting all of the 3 bucks in NICKELS. Here is one fare rider's payment:

Note: apparently, those machines aren't so sensitive and if you dump in nickels, you really only have to pay, like, $1.25-$1.40 to get in! :D Quite a savings, yes? :)

And when we got back, we were reminded of the infamous SF weather. Near the bay, at the ferry building, the weather had been clear and beautiful. This is the weather not 10 min later in the Inner Sunset:


And last, but not least, (drum roll please) me actually getting some shut eye on call!!!! Woohoo! I am not sure I actually liked getting sleep as I feel I was more sleepy the next day and a bit more groggy. But, we'll see!

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

First paycheck!!!

Well, turns out I really did received and get to hold, my first paycheck! I thought I was supposed to have direct deposit, but something happened, and I ended up getting a paper check in the mail. Oh well. I must say, even though not too much $$, it was still very satisfying to hold my first check in my hands...

Yay me! I am actually gainfully employed!

Tomorrow is my first continuity clinic... Should be interesting!

Drumroll please.... Answer: Poll - Gas bill

Fooled all of you! You (and I was) will be surprised to find out that the answer was...

A! Actually, $38.31 to be exact.

Kinda crazy, hunh? I must admit, I was super happy as I had been bracing myself for a $100 bill. Woohoo!