Wednesday, November 5, 2008


Boy, did I need it, especially after I was essentially out of commission from a serious URI the week before vacation (thanks kid - but I still think you're cute!) and then just general non-goodness during that week. But, after lots of sleep and lots of pampering from the parents (thanks mom and dad!), I think I am mostly recovered.

I had a fun trip, first heading back to DC, then off to Pittsburgh to see the boss and friends, then back to DC for sleep and friends. And... the Steelers vs Redskins football game for Monday Night Football!!!

Woohoo! It was made all the sweeter with an awesome Steelers victory!!!

My poor dad, a Redskins fan, was a little shocked by all the Steelers fans and their Terrible Towels at the game (I had mine too!)

1 comment:

bubbasmama said...

so jealous that you got to go to that game!!!!