Cane Toad Racing you say? I know. But the host, Nick, is hilarious, and watching audience members race the toads is hilarious. Except when drunk people are so obnoxious it makes the evening uncomfortable (ahem, at least the lady in question was NOT American - phew!). Cane toads are feral and a huge problem in Queensland, originally brought from Hawaii to Australia to combat the cane beetle - too bad the cane toad couldn't jump high enough to reach the beetle so instead Queensland had 2 problems.
Anyhow, enough of the history lesson. The cane toads are brought in by Nick for racing. Here were the names of the toads:
The Funny Owner and a Toad (I believe Jerry Springer)
Once the audience members are chosen, the toads, in the middle of the table, are to be encouraged to move by using a noisemaker (you know, blow into it and the long tube of paper gets blown out while maker noises). In theory, this scares/encourages the toad to move and once you get the toad to jump off the table into your hand, you then drop them back into a bucket - first one in wins!
At the races... (these guys definitely didn't win!)
Too much fun, I must say. If you are ever in Port Douglas, check it out. It starts at 8 pm.
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