Farmer's Market the next morning! I've been to the Marin County Farmer's Market many times in the past and that has always been fun! But I had never been to the one in the city before (Ferry Plaza) and since this will now be the one that is more accessible to me, I thought I should check it out!
It is also open on Tuesdays and I think I'll be checking that out tomorrow also. But on Saturday, everyone is out and about including all sorts of vendors making breakfast and selling their wares. It was pretty nice and we (Mom, Dad, Aunt, me) got to have fun sampling fruits and cheeses and other things (i.e. hummus and salsa). We also got some stuff, including some Skor-like sugary goodness for my dad. :)

We got to see some fresh almonds - don't they look cool? I am not sure what I would do with them in terms of eating, so I will have to look this up and maybe try out a recipe.

In the afternoon, we went to IKEA again - I know, I know, it must seem like we live at that place! - but thankfully left more there than I brought back into the apartment!
As we headed back to the city, these are the beautiful views we got of SF:

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